Sunday, July 02, 2006

street spirit

so then yesterday was the gig and later there's gg to be one more at 6pm... tiring... i can feel the sore throat coming and going. i been trying to 'control' it ever since wednesday. ie drink water, eat strepsils. helps a little, but it oways come back when i wake up in the morning. plus after some shouting/singing. plus plus the heat. and the late nights. rather sit around than sleep. rather keep swallowing and wince.

radiohead keeps me awake late at night. i can't stop listening to them. radiohead for my head, in my head. seriously stuck in my head. i dun need an mp3. i have one in my brain to listen to. and radiohead is oways playing in there. even as i lay on the bed. they're extremely nicer to listen to at night, especially those acoustic ones and twelve eight beat songs. what talents. talented in everyway. though i have problem understanding the words and pictures. check out scrapbook section. it's like a maze. everytime i click i see new stuff. i wonder how things are linked up in this section. dead air space is my favourite. they still update quite frequently with pictures and words. mainly pictures, which is something fans would love to see. and many many pictures of jonny greenwood. i wonder who's behind the camera.

okay i shall be off for now...


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